Discover About Your Health & Vitality Through Life Line

Do you know just like your birth chart, your palm tells a lot of your life? Yes, you have heard it right. Among the five main lines in our palms, the lifeline depicts life expectancy. The best palm reader in Kolkata says that the longer your lifeline is the better it is. So, if you are willing to know about the life line in your palm and its importance, this is the right place for you. Let us know about the lifeline in the palm with other interesting details that a few people hardly know. 

What is a Life Line in Palmistry? 

A curved line that starts far below the index finger and arcs down to the wrist in the shape of an arc. It makes an arc shape around the thumb. In palm reading, life line says about your health and vitality. Usually, the palm readers check the length and thickness of the life line in your dominant hand to check the life expectancy followed by good health and stamina. 

Longer Life Line is Better

It is said that people who have a long life line have a long life expectancy. A long, clear, and unbroken life line indicates that you will have a healthy life with fewer chances of disease or accidents.  The life line looks like an arc. If there is a long distance between the thumb and the arc line, it is considered a good sign. If the life line or the arc is closer to the thumb, it indicates that the native will suffer from relationship issues. A short arc or life line indicates lots of health issues. However, a short life line is a sign of down-to-earth nature and people who are easily influenced. 

To Conclude, 

So, if you want to know more features about your life line, make an appointment with the best palm reader in Kolkata. You will be amazed to listen to the facts your life line depicts about you.


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